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Future Developments

Due to time constraints, there are quite some features that we were not able to implement. Here are some of the things that we are planning to implement in future iterations:

  • The option to make an itinerary public or private

This feature is quite important, as not everyone would like their travel plans to be exposed; we are aware that this might also cause privacy issues, so implementing this leaves the decision of sharing their itineraries to the users themselves.

  • The option to save an itinerary

The option to save an itinerary would be useful. The closest thing this resembles would be Instagram’s Saved feature. We notice that it would be redundant for users to keep entering the same code over and over again to open the same itinerary. Saving an itinerary would improve user experience on this application.

  • Generating automated and up-to-date recommendations

Currently, the application loads sample data in the database. This way of implementation needs to be updated frequently, because what if a restaurant closes? What if an activity is not in service anymore? To do this, we are likely to use Google’s SERP API to aid us in implementing this.

  • Generating recommendations based on a user budget

As an extension to the feature mentioned in the previous point, we would ask users to fill in their budget and generate recommendations based on that. We think that this will benefit the users more as opposed to giving static recommendations.

More to come!