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Viewing Travel Recommendations

To view travel recommendations, you can do so in the Featured page, where you can view others’ itineraries or view recommendations generated by the application.

Table of contents

Viewing Our Recommendations


When you press any of the tabs under VIEW OUR RECOMMENDATIONS:

  • The application categorizes its recommendations to three categories: Accommodation, Restaurants, Activities.
  • Each recommendation is given an address as well as a map to show its location (as shown in the gif), as well as ratings and descriptions from its website / Google page.
  • Currently, the application only provides recommendations for two locations: Singapore and Surabaya.

Viewing Others’ Itineraries


To view others’ itineraries, you can either:

  • Upon loading, the application will load three random itineraries from its database and show them to you.
  • You are only allowed to view the itineraries, but you are not able to edit them.